What does it do?
TraktTV is a webservice which helps you to keep up with ongoing tv shows. You can mark epiosdes as collected, watched, you can comment and rate them, you have calendar of ongoing shows etc. You can also talk about movies but it’s rather a feauture than main purpose of a website.
This widget enables you to show your last watched/rated movies or tv shows episodes.
- Choose:
- Download and unpack to [cci]plugins[/cci] dir of your WordPress (default [cci]/wpcontent/plugins[/cci])
- Use WordPress Repository
- Enable the plugin
- Add new widget. It requires your trakt.tv login and api key (find it in trakt settings).
How does it look like?
Running example below:
You can disable built-in plugin css in options and style it as you wish with your site css.
- Caching results from API – huge performance boost
- Because of simple caching, only one copy of widget will work. Please hold with update until the new release, if you plan to use more than one widget on your blog.
- Some plugin filesystem cleaning and other technical stuff you shouldn’t notice
- Simple style override – just create file named [cci]user-trakttv.css[/cci] in your theme directory
Bugfix – episode data for actions other than seen. Thanks to Mark Savage for bug report.
- Few new options
- Number of entries
- Entries types (movies, tv shows, episodes)
- Actions (seen, rated, scrobble etc.) See Trakt API help for details
- Some code cleanup
Feature plans
This section is only my view of the plugin and subject to change. I want post any dates whatsoever.
Advanced cache – own database table
Ratings (see the prototype on my private blog)
API queries with since parameter – another performance boost
Some interface tweaks
Private profiles (login over API)
Calendar Widget
Movies data synchronization with IMDB
If you like it and want it to be continuingly developed, please consider a small donation.
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